Our LIST of Training programmes and Courses
Our currently available titles are listed here, and we’ve grouped them where the course delivery structure or the purpose of the courses are similar. This grouping is also reflected in our pricing, so courses within a range are often the same price. If any of the titles below interest you, please contact us via the form below.
Our award-winning range of courses for senior staff or those with previous communication skills training.
Our range of focused courses for the mid-tier and junior staff needing communication skills training.
Our own facilitator training opened up for anyone in an educational or presentation role in healthcare.
Our Advanced courses are aimed at Band 7+ staff, or 6+ with previous communications skills training. All our Advanced courses are our unique three-part blended learning experience with specialised e-learning, 1:1 coaching and a two-day workshop with individual role-play scenarios.
Advance Communication Skills Training (ACST) Multidisciplinary
ACST for Critical Care staff
ACST for Midwifery & Obstetricians
ACST for Doctors
ACST for Allied Health Professionals
ACST Refresher (1-day)
Our Enhanced courses are aimed at staff across a wider range of bands, with more focused subject matter and/or roles. Our Enhanced courses are often a two-part blended learning experience with specialised e-learning and a one-day workshop with group role-play scenarios tailored to each group. There are workshop only options and we also include our new two-day Personalised Approach to Cancer Care programme in this range as it is aimed at supportive and assistive cancer roles.
Enhanced Communication Skills Training (ECST) Multidisciplinary
Personalised Approach to Cancer Care (PACC) (2-day)
Challenging Conversations with Colleagues
ECST for International Medical Graduates
ECST for Post Graduate Doctors
ECST for Early Career CNS
ECST for Radiographers “Straight to CT”
ECST for Medical Examiners
ECST for Supportive and Assistive staff
ECST for Allied Health Professionals
ECST for Dementia Care
ECST for Advanced Care Planning Conversations
ECST for End of Life/Serious Illness Conversations
ECST for DNACPR Conversations
Enhanced Breaking Bad News
Enhanced Motivational Interviewing
Enhanced Telephone Communication
Enhanced Shared Decision Making
Enhanced ReSPECT Conversations
Emotional Intelligence Training
Our Facilitating range of courses are for those delivering or training to deliver any kind of education or workshop scenario in a healthcare setting. The need for healthcare professionals to train others and run patient workshops has significantly increased in recent years. Our training programmes support those that are already experienced, to the very new.
Facilitation Skills Training for Patient Workshops
Facilitation Skills Training for Tutors of HCPs
Train The Facilitator
Facilitator Development Programme
Our Webinars are high-impact short courses, aimed at improving communication skills across a large workforce in all areas of healthcare. All are designed to be 1.5 hours long, with live facilitators and either live or recorded role-play scenarios relevant to the subject. Webinars are a great way to impact whole teams and departments, but also offer individuals a chance to learn something new or keep their previous training alive.
ACST Refresher
Breaking Bad News
Challenging Conversations with Colleagues
Comm Skills for Performance Reviews in Healthcare (was Managing Teams)
Critical Care
Elevating Your Voice Within Your MDT
Emotional Intelligence for HCPs
HCP Neurodiversity Communication Skills
Introduction to Cancer Care
Managing Strong Emotions
Motivational Interviewing
NQNs (Newly Qualified Nurses)
Shared Decision-Making and Personalised Care
Treatment Escalation Plan
Unconscious Bias
Updating a Patient’s Relative
Our course titles are almost always initially developed in partnership with one of our clients, piloted and then adopted on a larger scale, sometimes nationally. If you have a communication skills training requirement not covered by any of the titles above, we would love to discuss developing a bespoke course for your needs.